Good news indeed! The news is out for a little while now, but I just read the deatils that the classic, really, really nice UK Sci-Fi magazine STARBURST is about to return this January 2012! Ceased in 2008 it was one of the few loooooong time running mags to exit the publishing market. I still remembering reading those first copies covering STAR WARS (though I have even better memories of FANTASTIC FILMS - but that magazine won´t return for sure). Back than, the UK was really far away and getting a copy at our international newspaper stand was a tough challenge. If you have the proper age you know what I mean, if not - well, let´s just be happy with the return of a lost friend! WELCOME BACK STARBURST!!!
Welcome to! As a collector of STAR WARS Magazines for 3 decades now, I thought running a site focussing on this topic might be a good idea. Help me to discover new and old published magazines and newspapers covering our beloved saga - thanks!
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