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I just found out (shame on me, because this mag is running for years (!)) that there is a pretty cool mag in my neighborhood country and I never ever have heard about it, nor ever seen it! Thanks to, my trusted source in everything printed magazines, I just found out about this good looking, colorful, professional STAR WARS magazine. Well, unfortunately I won´t be able to read a lot (it´s in Dutch) but I love the recent covers - these guys do have some cool artists on hand ;-) While you can enjoy some of the cover art here, I´m going to find out how to get some older copies (there is nothing on ebay!) - probably one of the reasons I never got aware of them (but this is gonna change ;-) ) Update: After some study of their website, I´m pretty sure that TeeKay 421 isn´t only the title of the mag, it´s also the name of THE BELGIUM STAR WARS FAN CLUB! Well, another best kept secret ;-) The site looks great and they have some stunning STAR WARS shirts as well - worth checking out!
R.I.P. Al Williamson
The legendary artist of "Flash Gordon," "Star Wars" and many, many more science fiction and genre comics known for their illustrative power has reportedly passed away at the age of 79 on June 14th, 2010.
I still recall the time, when Al gave me my believe and excitement for STAR WARS comics back - back in 1980/81. The way he nailed all characters, very very beautiful - a true artist!
I gonna miss you for sure and will keep your art forever! Rest in peace!
Just found out about it: Back in March 2010 RWD Mag published a Two Cover Star Wars Edition - Issue 97.
There is a Stormtrooper cover and a Darth Vader Cover
Distributed by JD Sports and it promotes the entire UK Addidas Star Wars clothing and shoes range.
A Nice collectors item and a great refrence guide for star wars collectors.
RWD Magazine
United Kingdom
Cover Story
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A new 3D cards series from TOPPS is coming - certainly worth a cover for NON-SPORT magazine. Nice sketch of Yoda- I don´t have the mag (yet) but I hope there is more than the usual 2 page feature. After all it´s TESB celebration time, isn´t it ?
USA 2010
NOP: ??
Gee Whiz - after checking out the artwork of DARK HORSE - PURGE I can only say one thing: OUTSTANDING! I ´m a reader of SW comics - well, since forever (!) - and I really enjoy all kind of styles. But this one - you have to see it for yourself! Imagine a STAR WARS comic where each and every panel is just like a painting! That´s exactly what PURGE is - a comic were all panels are a painting with a very dark and very cool Darth Vader story. The artist behind all this: CHRIS SCALF. Never heard of him ? Me too, but this will change!
Chris seems to be one of those best kept secrets, as he is around as an artist and designer for about 20 years! But it took these nice guys at DARK HORSE to draw him to the world of STAR WARS - and he delivers! Ok, now give this guy a contract and let him tell us new stories ASAP - I can´t wait for the next one!
Speaking of great comic artists: Dough Weatley and Jan Duursema used to be my favourites for years BUT there is a new contender! And a very welcome one!
If you want to now more - check out his website!
I love exactly this kind of surprises! All of a sudden - when no STAR WARS event of any kind is around - EW publishes another wonderful cover story on our most favourite movie: TESB! A great rare picture and an awesome article about the new book from J.W. Rinzle: THE MAKING OF THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. The first book about the making of SW was already outstanding. This one will have a foreword by RIDLEY SCOTT (who is in my eyes another movie genius) This book will rock for sure! As this issue of EW!
Cover Story
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...there was still a lot going on concerning actors, marketing and who is fitting to whom. This rare picture - and when I use the term rare, I mean rare - shows Mark and Carrie during a photo session. Note Mark´s Luke Skywalker costume - it´s the one they finally used in RETURN OF THE JEDI, but they already designed it for A NEW HOPE! Very cool image! I love these rare vintage stills - and I especially love shots I still haven´t seen - and believe me I have seen a lot! ;-) This picture is taken from the net - you can find some ´rare´shots in the current SW Insider as well. One of the rare insider issues I really dig - usually it´s just becoming more and more boring...
Let´s celebrate the best STAR WARS movie EVER in style! TESB turns 30ty this year - boy, as time goes by. I don´t know how YOU will celebrate this event, but the new Lucasfilm Logo for this event is certainly a very good start - I LOVE THE ARTWORK! Well done folks!
About time ;-) Found my first 2010 published magazine featuring Yoda. Unfortunatly nothing new within the SW universe. Turns out that this actually is really just an eye catcher - there is no STAR WARS contend in this mag at all. Nevertheless - I´m glad there is another magazine for my collection ;-) AND
turns out the mag itself is a pretty good read - if you are interested in German economy...
Gruenderzeit (IMPULSE)
NOP: 0
Well, don´t say I´m lazy - I know that already...