Friday, December 19, 2008


UK magazine - with nice CLONE TROOPER cover - I don´t have this mag yet and SFX COLLECTION seems to be a sister publication from the original SFX magazine. Anyhow nice job ;-)

United Kingdom
Cover story
NOB: ???

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

CLONE WARS monthy comics in the UK

It looks like TITAN has changed their SW comic series from it´s regular look to a more CLONE WARS oriented theme. It also starts with a new no. 1 - Makes sense from a marketing side. My personal view? I think it´s wrong going the CLONE WARS way all the way down with loosing a direct link to the original STAR WARS. The same happens here in Germany - everything looks pretty much kids friendly / Clone Wars oriented in sparkling candy colors ;-)
I´m not sure if I´m wrong about this, but checking the web site seems to prove me right...