Friday, December 19, 2008


UK magazine - with nice CLONE TROOPER cover - I don´t have this mag yet and SFX COLLECTION seems to be a sister publication from the original SFX magazine. Anyhow nice job ;-)

United Kingdom
Cover story
NOB: ???

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

CLONE WARS monthy comics in the UK

It looks like TITAN has changed their SW comic series from it´s regular look to a more CLONE WARS oriented theme. It also starts with a new no. 1 - Makes sense from a marketing side. My personal view? I think it´s wrong going the CLONE WARS way all the way down with loosing a direct link to the original STAR WARS. The same happens here in Germany - everything looks pretty much kids friendly / Clone Wars oriented in sparkling candy colors ;-)
I´m not sure if I´m wrong about this, but checking the web site seems to prove me right...

Monday, August 18, 2008

TV GUIDE does it again! Thanksfully

After their outstanding (from a collectors point of view) coverage of all 3 prequels, I´m more than happy that Lucasfilm and the guys at TV Guide have done it ONE MORE TIME! A great series of 4 (four) covers promoting STAR WARS - THE CLONE WARS! But wait - there is more. Each magazine has a cool DVD attached featuring interviews and trailers. Well, it can´t get any better...


Cover story x 4
NOP: ???

Friday, August 15, 2008

K-Club - STAR WARS goes Kids

That CLONE WARS the animated TV series is aimed at kids is no surprise - now, there is my first German magazine with it on its cover: K-Club. K-Club has a fitting mix of all what ´matters´: Games, movies, sports - well you know what you were in when you was 13, right ?

K-Club No.: 08/2008
Cover story
NOB: 3 plus Clone Wars poster

Sunday, August 10, 2008

SFX Magazine and CLONE WARS

Another UK magazine - thanksfully with new dynamic cover ;-) I hope I will get this mag soon from my source in the UK. Well, at least I have the cover already...

SFX Magazine
United Kingdom
Cover story
NOB: ???

Monday, June 09, 2008

Games Aktuell - Unleashes The Force

Following a common procedure - the German press is picking up US coverage and produces a ´new´ localized story again - here happened with the THE FORCE UNLEASHED. Anyway an action loaded cover...still a half year until release!

Games Aktuell No.06, 2008
NOP: 7

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Super 7 Magazine

From time to time, there are magazines even I HAVE NEVER heard of ;-) - which is by no means a bad thing ! Super 7 focusses on Japanese toys and comes with a very sleek cover theses days.

Super 7 Magazine 2008
Cover story
NOP: ???

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I case you haven´t heard of: INDIANA JONES IS BACK!
Yeah and like all those STAR WARS nerds I am a INDY fan as well - not like STAR WARS, but... you know - a little magazine here, some cool books there and voila: There is a small collection ;-)
Anyhow, I won´t shift the focus here, but I´m sure there are a few of you, who might enjoy some INDIANA JONES magazine covers as well. So stay tuned and I will surprise you with my 2008 collection, when the hype is over (approx. in September). In the meantime - enjoy the RETURN of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones!
Thanks Steven and George!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

SLM - Second Life Magazine

SLM - The Second Life Magazine. Another FIRST! Well, I never followed the Second Live hype, but now, with STAR WARS characters ?! No, doesn´t work for me. Anyhow - a new uncommon cover. I love new stuff.

SLM MArch - No.: 03/2008
Cover story
NOB: 4

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New year, new motivation!

Well, sorry folks - but I got a little bit lazy the last few months (should I say year ?!) The 30th STAR WARS anniversary year wasn´t too bad actually, but then again there was so much going on needing my whole attention. Anyway, I try to relive the site and maybe you guys help me a little...
With Indy coming back this year, I will certainly extend my coverage with some INDIANA JONES covers as well. Spread the news!!!